Hanukkah side dish recipes to accompany your holiday meal

Hanukkah side dish recipes to accompany your holiday meal

Kugels, latkes, challah, and sour (or sweet!) salads — these are the foods that make a Jewish holiday table. Traditional Yiddish recipes warm the heart and create pure soul comfort.

But sometimes you’re craving change. A few tweaks can turn a classic dish into a new culinary experience. Whether you’re cooking for Hanukkah or you’re looking for a new twist on classic Hanukkah side dish recipes, you’ll find yummy options here.

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Hanukkah side dish recipes to accompany your holiday meal

Sort of like a casserole, kugel is a popular holiday side dish among Ashkenazi Jews. Kugels are usually based in potato, egg noodle, or veggie and typically can be classified as either sweet or savory. I’ve always preferred savory kugels myself, but this sweet and savory apple kugel from Living Sweet Moments might just change my vote!

Apples and raisins provide the sweet, while sauteed onions give you the savory. You might think apples and onions don’t mix, but don’t knock it till you try it!